Hoe blijft u als ondernemer en bedrijf morgen nog fris en relevant?
Ontwikkeling & Implementatie Visie, Missie & Strategie
Groeitraject uitstippelen/begeleiden
Coaching Senior Management
Ontwerpen van een nieuwe structuur
Lid van de Adviesraad
Ontwikkelen van een fondswerving concept
Ontwikkeling & Implementatie van Interne Procedures
Transformatie & Groeiproces om het potentieel te helpen ontsluiten.
Leiderschapscompetenties van ondernemers uit verschillende sectoren en in verscheidene stadia aanscherpen.
Managing Director / Roba Metals Ltd
Warwickshire, UK
"During the 30 years that I have known Patrick, he has always struck me as an outstanding deliverer of business objectives.
In the early ’90 ties, Patrick, Richard van den Akker and myself managed to change an ailing wine and spirits business into a profitable, more dynamic and efficient distributor of leading wine and spirit brands in the Benelux. Vital to this was Patrick’s ability to see the bigger picture right from the start. Whilst doing this, the spirit was kept high and we also had some fun.
Later on Patrick had an illustrious career at Hasbro in which he was able to demonstrate that his experience and skills were transferable to great effect. Above all Patrick is a very hard working and determined character able to find solutions in the most demanding situations, which, together with his intuition and cross cultural understanding makes him ideally placed as a deliverer of deliverology.
What more can you ask of a Growth Strategist?"
Commercial Manger for Asia Wizards of the Coast| Digital and Table top Gaming | Business Leadership
January 21, 2020, Ng worked with Patrick in different groups
"Patrick’s business knowledge is surely evident in the European region but his perspective spans across Asia too. I had known Patrick for 7 years, his impeccable management style for the WotC Europe business had always been an inspiration to me to continuously level up our Asia’s model. Over the last 2 years I had the good privileged of working even closer with him, tapping on his wealth of commercial experiences, Patrick had provided pertinent advice and unreserved guidance helping me solved many difficult in-market issues/ challenges, from Thailand to South Korea to China mainland. Patrick’s understanding for the business strategy is one that surpass industries and geographical region. I am grateful to have the opportunity to learn form a true business leader!"
Managing Director/Owner at Starman Records
Antwerpen, België
"Working many years with and for Patrick I know him as a great motivational leader with an innovative and empathical mindset. He is excellent in seeing the bigger picture of every detail and leading successfully the cornerstone departments of a European operating business unit"
Sales Operations & Distibutor Services manager / Hasbro - WotC EU
Brussels, Belgium
"Meer dan 19 jaar heb ik met plezier met Patrick samengewerkt en aan hem gerapporteerd.
Zijn authenticiteit, zijn vastberadenheid, zijn vermogen om te luisteren, erkenning te tonen en te volharden, droegen bij tot wie ik ben vandaag.
Ongeacht de omstandigheden en de soms harde momenten die ons bedrijf doormaakte, koos Patrick ervoor zijn team te blijven motiveren en het op zo'n manier uit te dagen dat elkeen zich gesterkt voelt dat hoger doel na te streven. Als geen ander begrijpt hij dat de sleutel tot succes ligt in het beste uit je mensen halen . Dit onderscheidt hem duidelijk van alle andere leiders die ik ontmoette binnen ons bedrijf. Daarnaast resulteerde zijn projectbeheerskwaliteiten tot gerespecteerde deadlines enerzijds en bracht zijn strategisch inzicht anderzijds heel vaak opportuniteiten waar niemand anders ooit aan gedacht zou hebben."
Trading Card Games Director – Purchasing Director at Kaissa Games SA
November 28, 2019, Agelos was a client of Patrick’s
"I worked with Patrick for more than 10 years. During this time he helped us grow not only through the direct business relationship but by also giving us advise and guidance on how we could further develop and improve the company. He has excellent communication skills and great knowledge and experience in sales, marketing and management."
Commercial Director at ADC Blackfire Entertainment
December 15, 2019, Konstantin reported directly to Patrick
Helping other's growth is in Patrick's nature - this is what I felt from day one when I started working for him. I had a pleasure being a part of his commercial team at Wizards of the Coast between 2012 - 2016. I was impressed by Patrick's coaching skills and the ability to provoke solution-focused thinking. "Without your success, I can't be successful." - I remember this principle and use it myself in everyday practice. No doubt about it, Patrick will continue to do what he does so well - helping businesses grow.
CEO Heo Group
Herxheim, Germany
"Patrick always stood out as a very skilled and friendly business partner enriching our projects and teams just fantastically. Identifying and handling correlations and implications on many levels has been a great value in his long list of skills. I recommend Patrick anytime to anyone in our industry and beyond who intends to grow business in a healthy, smart and sustainable way."
Managing Director / Rothcon
Köln, Germany
"Patrick is an insightful leader and a visionary person. He understands the leadership function perfectly by adding sales people with different skill sets. As the commercial head of WotC he was always open for new strategies and tactics to increase visibility and reach of WotC's products in emerging markets. I very much enjoyed his supportive attitude and clear objectives which made it easy for a sales person reaching goals. Most importantly he knows how to manage a group with different skills, experiences and sales attitudes and gives 100% support to his sales team. Working with and for Patrick was an important experience for me and I would join his leadership anytime again! "
Vice President at My Retail Box
Dreux, Centre-Val de Loire, France
"J'ai réalisé plusieurs missions pour Patrick.
Patrick a une excellente vision stratégique, une formidable capacité d'analyse des risques et des opportunités.
Il sait comment encourager son équipe à rechercher l'excellence opérationnelle.
Il est un grand professionnel du marketing, à la fois rigoureux et engagé."
CEO at Excellate Group / SyncForce
Eindhoven, Nederland
"Patrick is a manager who is always focused on strategic objectives. Clear targets, no-nonsense and with a keen eye on quality."
Lepelaarstraat 10 bus 402
2050 Antwerpen
+32 498 90 46 90
Als zelfstandig groeistrateeg 100 KMO’s en hun ondernemers een significante structurele groei brengen, is wat ik de volgende jaren wil realiseren.
Met dien verstande dat ik mijn zakelijke jas pas voldaan aan de haak hang wanneer ik mijzelf op het einde van elk traject compleet overbodig heb gemaakt zodat u - onafhankelijk van mij - het ingeslagen groeitraject kan verderzetten.
Ethiek en ambitie zijn complementair.
Ik zou zelfs meer zeggen: Een ultiem ambitieus ondernemer is per definitie ethisch omdat hij/zij passioneel, ondernemend, innovatief, creatief én empathisch in het leven staat.
Dat plezier en humor meer dan logische bijproducten zijn van deze benadering blijkt steeds weer een aangename vaststelling.
Mensen, bedrijven en hun teams zien groeien/ontwikkelen vanuit hun succes is mijn succes.